Monterey, CA Diabetes Tip : Eat An Early Dinner

vegetables in small buckets with a farmer's market board

An early dinner could help you better manage your weight and your blood glucose.  A recent study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that, of people chosen to randomly eat dinner at either 6:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m., eating early was better.  The late-night diners burned 10% less fat overnight than those who ate at 6:00 p.m.  And their glucose rose 18% more and remained higher for four hours.  Eat dinner early!  For more information on living a healthy life with Diabetes, talk to Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, CHOMP, which has an extensive program.

End Of Life Planning Must Be Addressed In This Pandemic

At Family inHome Caregiving, we always encourage our clients to have a nutritional diet, get enough exercise and do estate planning like setting up a living trust, signing a POLST and power of attorneys for both medical and financial.  However, getting exercise in this coronavirus environment is difficult and you would be surprised how many people have not set up end-of-life paperwork.  Kate De Bartolo, director of the Conversation Project, believes that end-of-life-care planning is something that more and more Americans will embrace dearly in light of the pandemic, even younger people.  Traffic and downloads of end-of-life planning material have surged this year, she noted.  One thing that has been  highlighted in the pandemic has been that many people may change their mind about asking for all available life saving methods in their POLST and medical power of attorney.  Given that COVID-19 victims are isolated and can’t see their family and friends before they pass away may make living pointless under those lockdown conditions.

COVID-19 Is Now The Leading Cause Of Death In America

COVID-19has surpassed heart disease and cancer as the leading cause of death in America, according to a report which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.  “It’s been a long time since an infectious disease was the leading cause of death for the whole country, Dr. Steven Woolf, lead author of the paper, told USA Today.

Social Security Benefits To Rise 1.3% In 2021

The cost of living increase (COLA) for seniors and others receiving Social Security will rise only 1.3% in 2021, down from the 1.6% increase in 2020.  This works out to an average of $20/month for those receiving the benefit.  The Social Security Administration (SSA) sets the increase based on the Labor Department’s consumer-price-index for urban wage earners and clerical workers, also known as the CPI-W.

Cottages Of Carmel Assisted Living Reports More Coronavirus Cases

Four more residents and seven workers have tested positive for COVID-19 at The Cottages of Carmel.  Executive Director Alton Mendelson told the Carmel Pine Cone, “These residents and employees were immediately isolated, minimizing the risk of exposure to others in our community. Eight of the employees have already returned to work after resolution of all symptoms and required self-isolation,” he noted.  Management said they are in contact with residents and their families almost daily and is committed to providing accurate information and being transparent.

Monterey Hospice Tree Of Life Ceremony To Be Broadcast Online This Year On December 11

The Hospice Giving Foundation will hold its annual Tree of Life lighting this year online on December 11 at 5:00 p.m.  It’s sad that the event can’t be held live, but we are all coping with ways to deal with this awful coronavirus pandemic.  In addition to being broadcast at, you can watch it on Comcast’s local AMP Media channel 24.  It will feature jazz vocalist Julie Capili, accompanied by local musician Dennis Murphy, and will also feature an invocation by Reverend Luke Ham of Church of the Wayfarer.  To register, go to

Carmel, CA Assisted Living Center Cottages Of Carmel Gets COVID-19 Outbreak

A man covering his mouth and nose with N95 Mask

The Cottages Of Carmel is the latest assisted living facility on the Monterey Peninsula to be inundated with COVID-19 cases.  Alton Mendleson, the executive director, sent out a message to residents and their families that they recently doubled the number of positives from eight to 16.  “If you did not hear from us today, then your loved one had a negative test result,” said Mendleson.  In addition to the residents, 10 workers have been infected and one is isolated at home with symptoms, but hasn’t been tested yet.  The facility had been coronavirus free until November.