There were 239 new COVID-19 cases announced for Monterey County over the past three days, bringing the total up to 41,580 and two new deaths were reported. Unfortunately, Monterey County is doing much worse than every state, and much worse than Santa Cruz County. In Monterey, we have administered 11K per 100K of the population versus 14,700 for all of California and compared to 19,736 in Santa Cruz County. Nationwide, there were only 56K new cases (they were running at more than 100K/day a few weeks ago). That makes a total of 27.7 million. The number of new cases is at a low not since October. Last month, infections topped 200K per day. Deaths rose by 1,272 to 487K. In California, there were 5,463 new cases for a total of 3.5 million, while deaths rose by 90 to 47,145. Please stay home and stay safe.