There were 126 new cases of coronavirus reported in Monterey County, bringing the total up to 16,966. There were seven new hospitalizations and ten new deaths, a record since the onset of the pandemic. Speaking to the Monterey County Board of Supervisors today, health officer Dr. Ed Moreno said that Monterey was going on lockdown at midnight on Sunday, and everyone is expected to stay at home as much as possible. Restaurants are closed except for takeout, hair salons, barber shops and a number of other businesses were shut down, and retail was limited to 20% capacity. Nationwide, one in 22 Americans have tested positive for COVID-19. The number of new cases grew by a whopping 241,200 (2%) to 15.355 million, while deaths rose by 2,964 to 288,034. In California, the numbers were also bleak with cases jumping by 28,352 (2%) to 1.430 million, while deaths rose by 186 to 20,262. On a positive note, California is releasing a voluntary smartphone tool to anonymously alert people if they spent time near someone who tested positive for coronavirus. The app, called CA Notify, will be available to download tomorrow. Please listen to Moreno’s order and stay home as much as possible.