Rippling River Residents Association President Sharon Miles wrote a letter to residents criticizing the way the complex is being run, a letter which was widely distributed by the Carmel Valley Association.  It cites towing unregistered vehicles, eliminating popular activities, doing inspections without proper warning, not keeping the property clean and generally treating residents in a heavy handed way, according to the Carmel Pine Cone’s November 13 issue.  Although the residency was once owned by the Monterey County Housing Authority, it is now owned by a local nonprofit, the Monterey County Housing Development Corporation, and managed by the John Stewart Company.  Miles said that one resident had to pay $2,000 after his car was impounded. And before the pandemic hit, they were charging a $50 deposit to use the community room, blocking access to the pool table and table tennis, removed donated books, and removed exercise equipment that was donated. Sounds like a mess!