A new study is out on the controversial drug that recently hit the market to treat Alzheimer’s disease, Roche’s crenezumab, and the results are not good. The study showed that it did not slow or prevent cognitive decline in a long-running study of Colombian families who carried a genetic mutation that put them at a very high risk of developing the disease. The drug did not demonstrate a significant benefit in tests measuring cognitive abilities or memory function among study participants. ‘We’re disappointed that crenezumab did not show a significant clinical benefit,†Eric Reiman, the executive director at Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, told USA Today. Regular readers of my blog know that both my father and my grandmother died of this terrible disease. There are some great people at the Alzheimer’s Association in Monterey at Ryan’s Ranch that can help you if you are dealing with a family member with dementia. They also have a 24 hour hotline at 1-800-272-3900.