Nursing Homes And Assisted Living Facilities Tepid On Mandating COVID-19 Vaccinations, Biden Takes Action

Close up shot Covid vaccine dose

There is no question that there is a major labor shortage, we are suffering from this ourselves.  A recent report said that senior housing facilities are also being hard hit, with employees hard to find and commercial property values sinking as few investors want to be in this type of industry.  However, it’s unclear that many are doing everything in their power to please the customers.  About 39% of senior housing associations surveyed between July 22 and August 8 said that they definitely or probably would impose vaccine mandates.  That’s a surprisingly low number.  We have seen an influx of new clients due to adult children moving their parents out of facilities due to their fear of COVID-19.  That’s only likely to increase as new variants spread.  Thankfully, President Biden has stepped in and said that if nursing homes don’t require workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 they will no longer receive Medicare or Medicaid funding.  The current nursing home vaccination rate sits at only 61.5%, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  This is only a hair above the total population.  Some nursing home executives have bristled at the new Biden mandate, stating that staff departures may exceed 20%.  Good riddance I say to the anti-vaxers.  Keep them away from our seniors.

Many Older American’s Still Haven’t Gotten The Coronavirus Vaccine, Fueling More Deaths : By Derek Baine

Sadly, many senior citizens have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, which is causing hospitalizations across the country to soar as the highly contagious delta variant spreads rapidly.  The U.S. can now boast that is has a much higher share of seniors without full vaccine protection than many other wealthy countries, which means that we will likely see a disproportionate number of deaths of senior Americans compared to other developed countries.  In contrast, unvaccinated seniors in Britain, Canada and Spain are very rare.  Even London, which has higher rates of vaccine hesitancy among seniors than the rest of Britain, is far ahead of the United States in its vaccination rates.  Thankfully, California is doing much better than other states.  Low elderly vaccination rates in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana and Nevada have coincided with surging rates of hospitalizations and deaths.  Next on the list are likely to be Colorado, Kansas and North Dakota which have not yet experienced severe Delta outbreaks but has low senior vaccination rates.

FDA Approves Two COVID-19 Vaccines

An Influenza vaccine liquid and the injections

At last, the FDA has approved both the Pfizer and the BioNTech vaccines.  They are no longer approved only for experimental use which will shoot down one of the last excuses that anti-vaxers have been using as an excuse not to get vaccinated.  This is where the rubber meets the road and those not getting vaccinated are going to have to try and come up with another excuse for doing what the majority of Americans have done—get vaccinated against the coronavirus.  Shortly after the approval, the Pentagon announced that it would require all active-duty military to be vaccinated (only 64% now are) and President Biden put the pressure on private companies to do the same.  “Today I’m calling on more companies in the private sector to step up with vaccine requirements that will reach millions to do that,” he said.  Johnson & Johnson and Moderna are expected to submit paperwork to get full approval by the end of the year.  This is definitely great news as hospitalizations from COVID-19 are surging as the Delta variant continues to spread.

Will FDA Full Approval Of Vaccines Convince Non-Vaxxers To Get A Shot?

A blue color poster on COVID -19 Corona Virus Disease

The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is expected to get full FDA approval next week, something that health officials are hoping will convince more non-vaxxers to get vaccinated.  However, many non-vaxxers have a wide litany of excuses as to why they refuse to get vaccinated, and I am skeptical that there will be a huge influx of new vaccinations following the approval.  According to a June poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, about 30% of non-vaccinated Americans said they would be more likely to get vaccinated when the vaccine goes from emergency use to full-approval.  And although that’s not a big number, it does remain likely that more employers, both public and private, may require workers to get vaccinated.  Only 60% of Americans that are eligible to be vaccinated have actually gotten one.

COVID Impact On The Brain May Last Forever

As many as 1 in 3 COVID-19 survivors experience a mental health or neurological disorder within six months of the coronavirus infection, according to a major large-scale study reported in The Lancet Psychiatry.  About 34% of those study had been diagnosed with a neurological or mental health disorder following their bout with COVID.  For nearly 13% of these patients, it was the first time they had received such a diagnosis.  Unfortunately, the symptoms have not gone away for many and may be permanent (AARP Bulletin May 21, P6).

Dr. Fauci Says COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Fully Approved By Month End

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that he believes that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could give full approval for COVID-19 vaccines by the end of the month.  This could spur some non-vaccine people more amenable to getting vaccinated, slowing down the rapidly growing rate of infection.    Fauci also warned in his “Meet the Press” interview that although the delta variant is troublesome, a new variant may emerge which would make the pandemic even more problematic and longer lived.  It could also cause more businesses to decide to require employees to get vaccinated or find another job. There are now more than 44K Americans in the hospital with COVID-19, up 30% from just a week ago, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Pacific Grove, CA Financial Elder Abuse Abounds Amidst Pandemic

A caregiver posing with the old woman in wheelchair

AARP The Magazine recently ran an article about financial elder abuse, which, unfortunately, is often done by a family member.  Liz Loewy, former chief of the Elder Abuse Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and now chief operating officer of a financial-monitoring company EverSafe said these crimes are all too prevalent.  Sadly, many cases go unreported.  A study of New York residents found that only 1 in 44 elder abuse cases were reported to authorities.  “They may start out helping a parent, with good intentions, and then, after the parent exhibits signs of diminished capacity, start diverting funds,” Lowey said.  “It often starts small, then progresses into ‘I wrote a few checks to pay for Johnny’s college.  lways said she wanted to help with tuition.’  Or beyond that, home improvement or a new car,” she said.  If you believe that you are witnessing elder abuse, please call Adult Protective Services.  Unfortunately, with the wealth on the Monterey Peninsula residents of Carmel, PG and Pebble Beach are often targeted.

Salinas, CA Tips For Warding Off Dementia And Alzheimer’s Disease

A microscopic look at Alzheimer’s Disease

Everyone wants to keep their brains working in full order as long as possible, and the key can be healthy living, getting the proper amount of exercise and social interaction.  The latter is easier said than done given the massive spreading of coronavirus.  Although board games can be fun, with COVID-19 many seniors are turning to video games.  According to an AARP survey, 44% of adults over the age of 50 played video games in 2019 versus 38% in 2016.  That’s 10 million more older gamers!  About a quarter of gamers play multiuser games, which can increase social interaction which will hopefully ward off early onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Regular readers of my blog know that both my father and grandmother had this terrible disease when they passed away.  There are great people at our local chapter of Alzheimer’s Association in Ryan’s Ranch.  They also have a 24-hour hotline if you need support at 800-272-3900.

More Nursing Home Residents Moving Back Home Due To COVID-19

An old woman smoking a cigarette

We have seen a noticeable uptick in people asking for 24-7 service due to the fact that children are increasingly moving their parents out of nursing homes and assisted living facilities and back home.  Although the COVID-19 numbers have continued to taper off and nursing home resident have been vaccinated, a shockingly high number of workers refuse to be vaccinated.  This increases the risk to seniors that they are working for, particularly as new strains of the virus work their way across the globe.  The New York Times recently noted the problem, citing statistics from the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care which showed that the occupancy rate in nursing homes had fallen from 86% in the first quarter of 2020 to 75% in the fourth quarter of 2020.By 2034, 34% of households will be headed by someone over 65, up from 26% in 2018, according to the Harvard center.  The share of households age 80 and over will grow even more rapidly.  It’s clear that we must address the issue of allowing people to age at home because there’s no doubt that coronavirus will be around for a long time and no one knows what other deadly virus is lurking around the corner.

COVID-19 Pandemic Has Marketers Chasing Seniors Staying At Home : By Derek Baine

Retired baby boomers are at a high risk of COVID-19, and marketers are using this as an opportunity to market more to older people who want to stay at home.  Companies like Nestle SA, Colgate-Palmolive Co. and Danone SA are launching new products aimed at consumers who are increasingly saying they are interested in aging well, but staying at home.  “We clearly see healthy aging, even more now with the COVID world, as a huge trend,” Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber said.  The Activia yogurt maker recently launched a whey-protein product that they say aids muscles, joints and bones.  Nestle launched a powdered milk aimed at older adults that it claims enhances mobility.  Increasingly, the company has shifted its focus from making food and drink to aid the recovery of people in hospitals to helping people from being admitted in the first place.  What a great mission.