year, a result of so many people being stuck at home and in front of their consumers. Total consumer losses to online thieves in 2020 surpassed $4.2 billion, with almost half of that amount lost to those over 50 years old. Unfortunately, since there is so much wealth in Monterey County—in Carmel, Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach in particular—seniors here are disproportionately targeted. Be suspicious anytime someone you don’t know calls or emails you. (AARP Bulletin May 21, P6).
Pebble Beach, CA Online Scams Abound : Elder Abuse Fundraising Scams Abound
here was a sad story in The New York Times recently about how some fundraisers—including many politicians—trick people (particularly senior citizens) into donating more than they want to. The story profiled Steve Vaughn, who started to go through his fathers bank statement after he died and was shocked to see 400 donations totaling more than $11K over just a four month period. There were donations to Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Tim Scott, Steve Scalise and many others. There were notes with the bank statements showing the 90-year old had repeatedly try to dispute the charges with his credit card company—all to no avail. Here is how the scam works. Fundraisers will call you and ask you for a donation and once you agree, they will enter them into the system as a recurring payment. Instead of taking a fixed amount, say $100, out of your account, they will take out $100 every month or sometimes every week. They are hoping people aren’t diligent about going over their bank statements, so pay attention! Many of them are targeting high-income areas of Monterey County like Carmel, Pacific Grove & Pebble Beach.
Monterey, CA Financial Elder Abuse Hit Record During Pandemic
An FBI report said that Americans were victimized by cybercriminals at a record rate last year, a result of so many people being stuck at home and in front of their consumers. Total consumer losses to online thieves in 2020 surpassed $4.2 billion, with almost half of that amount lost to those over 50 years old. Unfortunately, since there is so much wealth in Monterey County—in Carmel, Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach in particular—seniors here are disproportionately targeted. Be suspicious anytime someone you don’t know calls or emails you. (AARP Bulletin May 21, P6).
Prunedale Resident Facing Nine Year Prison Sentence For Elder Abuse
Severiano Negrete, Jr., 24, of Prunedale, plead guilty to assault by means of force likely to cause great bodily injury, battery causing serious bodily harm and attempting to dissuade a victim from prosecuting a crime. He faces a nine year prison sentence. On April 1, 2020, he was arrested by the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office for assaulting his 64-year-old father. He punched him in the face multiple times causing a nasal fracture and other serious injuries. From jail, Negrete repeatedly called a third party and asked her to contact his father and request that he drop the charges against him. He called her again and asked her to take him to the sheriff’s office to drop the charges before he went to court. Let’s hope he gets the maximum sentence. Sadly, most elder abuse cases are done by family members, caregivers and others who the victim is intimately involved with. If you see elder abuse happening, please call Adult Protective Services.
Prunedale Resident Facing Nine Year Prison Sentence For Elder Abuse
Severiano Negrete, Jr., 24, of Prunedale, plead guilty to assault by means of force likely to cause great bodily injury, battery causing serious bodily harm and attempting to dissuade a victim from prosecuting a crime. He faces a nine year prison sentence. On April 1, 2020, he was arrested by the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office for assaulting his 64-year-old father. He punched him in the face multiple times causing a nasal fracture and other serious injuries. From jail, Negrete repeatedly called a third party and asked her to contact his father and request that he drop the charges against him. He called her again and asked her to take him to the sheriff’s office to drop the charges before he went to court. Let’s hope he gets the maximum sentence. Sadly, most elder abuse cases are done by family members, caregivers and others who the victim is intimately involved with. If you see elder abuse happening, please call Adult Protective Services.
Carmel, CA Online Scams Abound : Elder Abuse Fundraising Scams Abound
There was a sad story in The New York Times recently about how some fundraisers—including many politicians—trick people (particularly senior citizens) into donating more than they want to. The story profiled Steve Vaughn, who started to go through his fathers bank statement after he died and was shocked to see 400 donations totaling more than $11K over just a four month period. There were donations to Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Tim Scott, Steve Scalise and many others. There were notes with the bank statements showing the 90-year old had repeatedly try to dispute the charges with his credit card company—all to no avail. Here is how the scam works. Fundraisers will call you and ask you for a donation and once you agree, they will enter them into the system as a recurring payment. Instead of taking a fixed amount, say $100, out of your account, they will take out $100 every month or sometimes every week. They are hoping people aren’t diligent about going over their bank statements, so pay attention! Many of them are targeting high-income areas of Monterey County like Carmel, Pacific Grove & Pebble Beach.
Salinas, CA Elder Abuse Alert Related To Roku Devices
There was a story in USA Today about a woman who fell for the latest scam and lost $190. While setting up her new Roku device, a message flashed on the TV screen telling her to call an 800 number to activate service. When she called the 800 number, they offered her a lifetime full service plan for about $190, which she signed up for. Months later, the person that she had spoke to on the 800 number called her and threatened her if she didn’t give another $190. At this point she realized it was a scam. How her smart TV was infiltrated with software having her call scammers remains a mystery. However, scammers continue to target those on the Monterey Peninsula since areas like Carmel, Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach have a much higher net worth than the average household. Be on the lookout!
AARP Fighting Elder Abuse In Assisted Living And Nursing Home Facilities
AARP’s Legal Team is fighting in the courts for the health and safety of residents of nursing homes. We have all heard of the horrific stories of seniors being abused in assisted living facilities and rehab centers, and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought this once again to the surface. AARP first started its suit in January, and in April the team won a judgement in California on behalf of Gloria Single, a nursing home resident who was barred from returning after a stay in the hospital. There are now four other lawsuits pending, and I hope they are successful.
Pacific Grove, CA Financial Elder Abuse Abounds Amidst Pandemic
AARP The Magazine recently ran an article about financial elder abuse, which, unfortunately, is often done by a family member. Liz Loewy, former chief of the Elder Abuse Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and now chief operating officer of a financial-monitoring company EverSafe said these crimes are all too prevalent. Sadly, many cases go unreported. A study of New York residents found that only 1 in 44 elder abuse cases were reported to authorities. “They may start out helping a parent, with good intentions, and then, after the parent exhibits signs of diminished capacity, start diverting funds,†Lowey said. “It often starts small, then progresses into ‘I wrote a few checks to pay for Johnny’s college. lways said she wanted to help with tuition.’ Or beyond that, home improvement or a new car,†she said. If you believe that you are witnessing elder abuse, please call Adult Protective Services. Unfortunately, with the wealth on the Monterey Peninsula residents of Carmel, PG and Pebble Beach are often targeted.
Monterey, CA Family inHome Caregiver Blog : Elder Abuse Series 6, Article 2 : Physical Elder Abuse
As an owner of a Home Care Organization serving senior citizens, I hate to see them being taken advantage of and abused. Unfortunately, on the Monterey Peninsula this is all too common.