Senator Dianne Feinstein has sued to remove the trustees of her late husband’s estate, and in the process accused them of committing financial elder abuse. There are two charges; 1 that they have refused to respond to any requests for disbursements and; 2 that they have financially enriched his daughters from a prior marriage. Diane’s daughter, Katherine Feinstein, has a limited durable power of attorney to act as her representative in litigation. Steven Braccini, the attorney representing Blums two daughters told the San Francisco Chronicle the trustees “have acted ethically and appropriately at all times; the same cannot be said for Katherine Feinstein. This filing is unconscionable. The trustees have always respected Senator Feinstein and always will. But this has nothing to do with her needs and everything to do with her daughter’s avarice.â€Â He claims delays in payment are due to the lack of liquidity in the estate and the fact that a large tax bill needs to be settled before any claims can be paid.