Last week, nearly 12K people attended the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, both in-person and digital, and they shared the results from the world’s largest and most influential meeting dedicated to advancing dementia science. Regular readers of my blog know that both my father and grandmother had this terrible disease when they passed away. There are wonderful people at our local chapter of Alzheimer’s Association in Ryan’s Ranch. They also have a 24-hour hotline if you need support at 800-272-3900. The key issues discussed at the conference were:
What is the Long-Term Cognitive Impact of COVID-19?
Improved Air Quality May Decrease Dementia Risk
Transgender Adults Experience Higher Rates of Subjective Cognitive Decline
Global Prevalence of Alzheimer’s Predicted to Triple by 2050
Clinical Trial Diversity is Crucial
For a more detailed analysis of these issues, click here: