Traffic Signs, Ironically, Are Killing People

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A new study which was published on found that electronic signs which are meant to alert people to dangers on the road actually cause an increase in car wrecks as distracted drivers stare at the sign.  The researchers studied traffic around areas that had signs displaying year-to-date road fatalities and found that the number of vehicle crashes increased, on average, by 4.5% in the 6.2 miles following the fatality-statistic message.  Researchers believe that the signs put excessive demands on drivers’ attention and information processing abilities in what is known as cognitive load.

Highway Deaths Up, But Not For Seniors

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) had expected deaths to decline because the number of miles driven by Americans was down 13.2% in 2020, but that turned out not to be the case.  There were 38,680 traffic fatalities last year, up 7.2% last year, the biggest rate of increase since 2007.  However, those 65 and older saw a 9% decline in traffic fatalities, due in large part to seniors staying at home more due to COVID-19.